Basic Vastu Shastra for Homes to Increase Positivity

Published November 6, 2020
Vastu Shastra Room

Vastu Shastra for homes helps you to increase positive energy. The basic Vastu Shastra guidelines offer tips for room placements, house facing directions, and things to avoid that ensure positive energy flows through your home.

Vastu Shastra for Homes Generates Positivity

There are some basic Vastu Shastra tips for homes principles you want to follow to ensure positive energies enter and accumulate in your home. Vastu Shastra guidelines help you avoid things that siphon or leak positive energies out of your home.

  • Vastu for the main entrance dictates that the entrance area and door be larger than the inside doors.
  • A staircase across from the main entrance siphons the positive energy up to the next level.
  • You shouldn't paint your front door black. Green is an auspicious door color.
  • The front door should be made of sturdy wood.
  • You should not be able to see a staircase from the front door since it will obstruct and block the positive energy flow into the home.
  • Your front door area should be clutter free.
  • Your home should be clean and free of clutter.
  • Big windows in the south and southwest create energy leaks from the north and northeast, robbing you of these positive energies.
  • Don't place an office or study underneath or above a bathroom.
  • You can ensure your family's happiness, wealth and success in all endeavors when you place a water feature in the northeast quadrant.
  • You want to include a pooja, prayer, or meditation room in the northeast quadrant.
  • Place your bed so you sleep with your head pointing south to ensure a healthy and restful sleep.

Living Room Vastu Tips for Home Design

You can attract positive energies into your living room with a few Vastu tips for home design. When you follow these tips, you minimize any possible negative energies from accumulating in this important family room.

  • Electronic devices should be placed in the southeast area of the living room.
  • Mirrors in a living room belong on the north wall.
  • Only place heavy furniture in the west and southwest areas of the living room.
Stylish Living Room

Dining Room Placement in Vastu Shastra for Homes

The west or east direction is often the best location for a dining room. In Vastu Shastra, it is believed since the sun is the ultimate cleanser it will cleanse your food. This means when you eat your meals in the filtered sunlight of the east or west, any contaminates or bacteria will be destroyed by the sunlight.

Guest Room Placement in Vastu Shastra for Homes

The guest room is traditionally located in the northwest quadrant. The unstable energy in the northwest is tolerated best in short intervals. This makes it an excellent choice for short-term visits by houseguests as opposed to permanent residents of the home.

Master Bedroom Vasta Shastra Placement

The master bedroom should always be placed in the southwest quadrant of your home. This is the most advantageous positive energies for your love relationship.

Vastu Tips for Kitchen Placement

You can place the kitchen in the most advantageous quadrant. This is the southeast direction since it is ruled by the fire element.

Pooja Room Ideal Placement

The Pooja room (meditation and prayer area) ideal direction is the northeast quadrant, but this isn't always possible. If you can't use the northeast quadrant for your room, then you can create an area that is in the northeast corner of a living room. Some people have such small space they use a Pooja mandir or convert a small niche area.

Bathroom Placement in Vastu Shastra Homes

The bathroom is generally placed to the south or north of the bedroom. The ideal location for the toilet is in the west or northwest part of the bathroom.

  • The toilet should never be located in the southeast or southwest quadrant of your home.
  • The bathroom door should be on the east or north wall of the bathroom.
  • The toilet placement should never put you facing east or west when using the toilet.

Sacred Center of Vastu Home

In Vastu Shastra, the center of your home (Brahmasthan) is considered the most holy and sacred place. The center of your home is where all of the energies of the cosmos collect and then disperse in all eight directions in your home. In ancient Rome and Greece, the centers of buildings were left open as central courtyards. If you can afford the square footage to design your home with a center courtyard, then it will be the ultimate Vastu Shastra design.

Modern Alternative to Central Open Courtyard

In lieu of an open central courtyard, you can still make the center of your home a sacred space. You can designate it as a main hall where other rooms branch off of it. You can leave the center of your home open and transform it into a lush garden area. Some people establish a pooja space in the center of their homes. You can always install a skylight over this area to symbolize the opening of your home to the cosmic energies. Make sure you don't place a staircase, bedroom, bathroom, or kitchen in the center of your home.

Vastu Shastra Energies of House Directions

The placement of your main entrance/front door is vital to the energy that enters your home. A house that has a good placement can end up with very negative energy due to the wrong placement of the main door.

vastu shastra energies

North Facing House Vastu

The north facing house is considered auspicious, especially for wealth and finances. It is often the facing direction chosen by business owners, accountants, investors, brokers, bankers, and anyone with a money-related career. These professionals find living in a north facing home advantageous for their careers and personal lifestyle.

Northeast Facing House Vastu

A northeast facing home is always a highly desirable home for anyone practicing Vastu architectural principles. You can capitalize on the vast wealth and grand success this house direction placement can bring to you when your door placement is in keeping with Vastu rules. The northeast facing home also brings you great opportunities, especially for younger adults and even children. The northeast facing home also stimulates creative energies and can inspire you to make advances in your chosen life's work.

East Facing House Vastu

The east facing house is considered very auspicious in Vastu Shastra. The east direction is very beneficial since it faces the rising sun. This placement honors the symbol of life - the sun and the light it gives each day along with the energy it radiates. You should center your front door on the east facing wall to take full advantage of this positive energy source.

Southeast Facing House Vastu

The southeast facing house is a combination of south and east energies. In Vastu Shastra, the southeast direction is ruled by the fire element. This creates very lively and dynamic energy that can also be destructive. Southeast energy can cause illness, estrangement from lovers, family quarrels, and financial loss. To remedy much of the negative energy, Vatsu Shastra dictates not placing your front door in the southeast direction. Instead, you want to place your door in one of the four east padas. (Pada is a scale of 1-9 evenly spaced measurements (pada or steps) along the facing wall used to determine best pada for front door location. The number one begins at the facing house direction corner, such as southeast and advances to number nine at the southwest corner.)

homes at Sunrise

South Facing House Vastu

The energy of the south facing home is said to be sharp or pointed. This pointed energy can interrupt the positive energy flow of the house. However, a south facing house in Vastu Shastra can become very auspicious. It is simply a matter of following specific Vastu Shastra principles. The main principle is to place the front door in the pada 4 location followed by 3, 2, and 1 as next best positions.

Southwest Facing House Vastu

Vastu Shastra principles advise against a southwest facing home for several reasons. The energy that comes into a southwest facing home is known as devil energy. The energy is aptly named since it is believed to be the bearer of misfortune, challenges, obstacles, and negative forces. These energies bombard every area of your life.

Morning Light

Rectangle Shaped House Facing Southwest

One possible way such a southwest facing location isn't too detrimental to its occupants is a rectangle shaped home. You won't have quite the severity of challenges, in a square shaped home. To counter some of the southwest negative energies, a rectangle home should feature open spaces/rooms in the northeast quadrant, as well as the north and east quadrants. These open areas will ensure the beneficial positive energies associated with each direction can enter the home easily and counter much of the arriving energies from the southwest.

West Facing House Vastu

A west facing home is believed to offer prosperity to the family along with many loving and fruitful friendships. In fact, the west facing home provides a rich life of fellowship in all areas of life, including your career and social circles. Vastu Shastra recommends a west facing house for those pursuing careers in business, education, politics, communication, or religion.

Northwest Facing House Vastu

The positive and negative energies that come from the northwest direction are a mixed bag. You may be in the money one day and find yourself poor the next. This direction is ruled by the wind, and your fortune depends on which way the wind blows. This placement is never favorable the home owners. The wind element brings anxiety, stress and financial obstacles and losses of all kinds. A Vastu expert can help you remedy many of these afflictions, but if you have the choice, it's best to fall in love with a different house.

Vastu Shastra for Homes and Good Design Choices

Vastu Shastra for homes provides ancient secrets for auspicious and positive energy for your home. The Vastu tips for home design can help you circumvent issues that can rob your home of positive energy.

Basic Vastu Shastra for Homes to Increase Positivity